About Us
Learning Tree Academy of Blue Ridge is taken from Luke 2:52. We strive to create an environment where children can experience the love of Jesus as they grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.
Tiffany R. Roath
For over 30 years I have always found a way to work with children. God gave me a heart for them early on and I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given. My husband was in ministry for many years and we worked alongside each other. I taught Sunday school classes, VBS Director, Organized mission trips for youth, Awana Cubbies Leader and much more. In 2017 I felt it was time to open another preschool and Learning Tree Academy was born.
We have a daughter who graduated law school in 2023 and resides in Louisiana. Our son will be attending college this fall. My husband went home to be with the Lord after losing his battle with cancer in 2018. For a time, I was not sure what I should do but it became obvious that I needed to reopen my preschool and get back to work. My greatest joy is spending my days with these children, so I reopened my preschool in 2019. Through the loss of my husband and a Covid shutdown God has continued to not just sustain my business but grow it. I have my certification in Early Childhood Education Administration and if I were created for anything it was to spend my days surrounded by children. Over the past 8 years we have served over 300 children and I cannot wait to see all that we are able to accomplish through our little school.